Hello! I'm

Dr. Jakob den Brok

Dr. Jakob den Brok

Currently, I am an SMA Postdoctoral Fellow at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in Cambridge, MA. I study the cold molecular ISM in nearby galaxies to understand the interplay and effect on star formation.

Currently, I am an SMA Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge. I focus on the study of the physical conditions in the ISM using mm-line emission. I just recently finished my PhD in Astrophysics (advisor: Prof. Frank Bigiel) at the Argelander Institute of Astronomy in Bonn. I am an active member in the PHANGS collaboration. I have also been an active member of the BASS project , an effort to study the full local AGN population. I finished my Bachelor and Master at the ETH Zurich. A more detailed description about my research and work you can find under "Research".

Besides my research, I am an active member of the Sternwarte Rümlang. This includes giving guided tours to the general public with the telescope. In general, I am interested in a multitude of topics. Go to the blog page to see what I am up to.

Check out my CV for more details.